Our Vision
Here at Harborne Baptist Church, we want to be known as a church which is:
Focusing on Mission
Growing as followers of Jesus
Celebrating our diversity
Embracing those on the margins
You can read more about each of these four areas below - or click on an image to listen to a recent sermon in our '2020 Vision' series. The full list of sermons from our '2020 Vision' series is available on our Sermons page.
Focusing on Mission
We want to be a community obedient to Jesus' mission call - to be a church looking outwards into the world around us. We aim to develop creative new connections with our community, using our existing opportunities and buildings to share the good news of Jesus. Making disciples of all nations will not be seen as the exclusive activity of a few individuals, but as the core mission of the whole church.
(Genesis 12:1-9; Luke 4:14-30; Ephesians 1:3-14)
Growing as followers of Jesus
We want to become a community where people of all ages are helped and encouraged to grow as followers of Jesus. We aim to see prayer becoming a habit, worship impacting every area of our lives, and bible teaching being accessible and challenging for all.
(Isaiah 55:1-13; Matthew 7:21-29; Ephesians 4:1-16)
Celebrating our diversity
We want to become a community which celebrates our wonderful diversity of age, background, ethnicity, language and culture. We aim to see every area of our church life reflecting our diversity and talents. Every member will be inspired and equipped to use their unique gifts in the mission that God has called us to.
(Psalm 139:8-13; Matthew 5:43-48; 1 Corinthians 12:12)
Embracing those on the margins
We want to become a community which actively seeks opportunities to connect with, welcome and bless those in our area who face social deprivation, exclusion and other forms of marginalisation. We aim to spend time listening to and learning from the most vulnerable and marginalised.
(Deuteronomy 10:18; Matthew 15:21-28; Ephesians 2:11-22)